

And darlin it will be… Just like starting over

Rock bottom has a basement. I know this because I dwelled in it for years merely existing. I didn’t realize how horrible it had become until one day a friend...

Normal is boring

…to me, anyway. I’ve always been strange. I hated it when I was growing up. I hated that I didn’t find joy in everything going on around me. I hated...

When in doubt

I’ve done a lot of soul searching over the past few years. That’s what led me on the crazy ride of becoming a published author, following my lifelong dream to...

It’s Unlimited, Baby

For a limited time, that is. Wrong Number (Time Stands Still Book 1) is currently on Kindle Unlimited! That’s right, loves, for a limited time it’s… unlimited. So for those...

May 22, 2020

Mark your calendars, loves! The ebook/Kindle of Wrong Number (Time Stands Still Book 1) will be released on May 22, 2020! Beta readers called it “emotional” and “steamy” and I...