Rock bottom has a basement. I know this because I dwelled in it for years merely existing. I didn’t realize how horrible it had become until one day a friend said to me, “Damn it. Carlie, are you fucking kidding me right now?”

Seriously. That’s really what he said to me.

But see, there was so much LOVE in that one outburst. It opened my eyes, let me see that there WAS light at the end of the tunnel, see that it WASN’T an oncoming train.

See that I could get my shit together and learn how to live.

I’d love to say that was the end and BOOM sunshine and roses, but no, loves. Change takes time… real change, that is. It took years of me scraping and clawing my way out of the shithole I’d called a life, it took breaking down everything for the breakthrough. That was 2014 when that statement was said to me, and it was 2018 before I began to feel shreds of true happiness, and just this year before I could say I LOVE MYSELF.

I really and truly love myself.

There’s so much more to the story that doesn’t belong on an open blog, let alone my business page, but the thing is… you’re never too old. And it’s not too late. LIVE.

Oh, and thanks, Cody. I’m still on this earth because of those words.