
Posts filed under: It’s Personal

When it rains…

It’s a dark, rainy day. Those are my favorites. I love turning on music and just absorbing the energy as the skies cry down upon us. This rain is so...

Sunday Funday

It’s what they call it, isn’t it? Lately, with school starting, my Sunday is mostly catching up on things I don’t have time to do during the week. One of...

a new normal

It’s a new normal, having Little doing school from home. It’s a learning curve and needing to get into a groove with him. I do have help, and I’m incredibly...

Sept 6 at8 AM- Sept 8 at 8 AM

For 48 hours only, Wrong Number will be on sale for 99 pennies! The Kindle version, that is. If I could sell the paperback for less, I would! But, for...

Change your mindset, Change your life

I’ve recently been reflecting on my life in a different manner. Instead of going over the lists I have for what I would like to have or like to do,...

To hell with comfort zones

The picture really speaks for itself. If you want to achieve something, or change or life, or simply experience something for the first time, that comfort zone is the first...

Witty title about threes

Most of what I do is in 3s. Most of how I think is in 3s. Every morning it’s coffee, thought of the day, and feeling. Every night it’s puppy,...

And darlin it will be… Just like starting over

Rock bottom has a basement. I know this because I dwelled in it for years merely existing. I didn’t realize how horrible it had become until one day a friend...

Normal is boring

…to me, anyway. I’ve always been strange. I hated it when I was growing up. I hated that I didn’t find joy in everything going on around me. I hated...

Celebrate Life

Today would have been my parents’ 51st anniversary. In their honor, I’ve decided it’s the perfect day to celebrate life. In the midst of all the uncertainty in the air...