November was such a good month for us, always.  We’d go to Groves Point, spend time with family, start out the holidays.  And we had so much fun, always.  She was big on tradition, big on making sure everything was perfect and that everyone was happy.

This home… this home was always filled with love and laughter, and she’d start baking her ass off, leaving the smells of cookies and pies lingering in the air.  I’d give her hell over it every year, telling her I could just walk in the house and gain ten pounds.

And the kids were always so excited.  They’d help get out the Christmas lights—the same lights I’d had up in the back yard the night I proposed to their mother—and they’d hang the decorations on the tree.  And they’d promise to not run through the media room during the big football games, but they would anyway, leaving a trail of spilled popcorn behind them.

And Christmas morning… that was the best of all, to watch them get so excited over everything that was under the tree and in their stockings.  And Talli, I loved to watch how she created special traditions just for us, for them, she always did so much for our children.

So much for me.

But this year… this year it would all be gone.

On November 19 I lose everything.

My Happy Ending Part 1 (Time Stands Still Book 3) RELEASES WIDE SEPTEMBER 7