Maybe. Perhaps. Or maybe I’m just going to ramble.

But I’ve had a lot on my mind. It’s been two years since we lost my mom, someone that I thought the world of turns out to not think highly of me at all, and somehow I’m still okay. How? Positive thinking, loves, and a damn lot of it.

It’s hard to think positively at times. And honestly, I’ve had better days than this. But, and this is a HUGE but, I’m not going to let it get to me. Not today. Instead, I’m going to impart some of what I’ve learned into a blog post that maybe someone will see at the right time.

Not everyone will like you, and that’s okay. Their opinions don’t (necessarily) pay your bills, do they? Their opinions don’t define you. Period. YOU do. So keep being you and put good out into the world, and watch in awe as the good comes back to you. It truly is a beautiful thing, just as you are. Be perfectly imperfect, do no harm (but take no shit), and the world becomes a beautiful place. Peaceful. Loving.

Positive thinking is sometimes all I have, especially on bad pain days like today. I can’t get up and run a marathon, probably can’t even handle the exercise bike (but I’m still going to try!), but I can put my fingers on the keyboard and watch as words fill the screen. Words of positivity. Love. Gratitude.

I’m humbled to have so many people who are in my corner, who want to watch me succeed. By the way, in case you didn’t know, I’m in yours.