Or twelve.

I apologize for my silence, but I have been hard at work behind the scenes. Right Reasons is LIVE!! And it’s doing well, although it can always do better LOL. THANK YOU for all of your support, it means the absolute world to me! This is the sequel to Wrong Number, so if you haven’t read that, give it a go first. That way you will be up to date on all things Jase and Talia!

I have also finished my first draft of Everly’s Hope along with the first read through, and it has been sent off to my editor, Charlie Knight. This is my first LBGTQ novel, but most likely not my last. It was important to me to put this under my name and not add a pen name for it, and also to just get it out there in general. I’ve probably said this in a prior blog, but this story is a work of love for Violet, who was looking for FF representation and was having a hard time finding it. I was all… hey! I’ll write it! And so I have and I cannot wait to share it with all of you.

I also have a book signing coming up at New & Olde Pages Book Shoppe in Englewood, OH on April 24. The time is tentatively from 1 to 3 PM EDT. Come ready to support local authors and Independent Bookstore Day!

On the home front, things are going smoothly. I’m scheduled for my first Covid shot this Saturday and I’m super excited to do my part to keep my family and everyone else safe. Little is starting his spring break a day early, but something tells me he isn’t as sick as he says. Probably because I can hear him singing along to his music, but hey… he doesn’t ask for much, or miss much school. I’ll give him this one.

For this website, I promise more frequent updates. Seriously. Also, my website goddess, Crissy Conner, is retiring from the website business, so this June, Cody Bailey will be taking over. I’m super excited to see everything he’s going to bring with him!

I hope this finds you happy and safe and well! I love you all, and thank you again for all of your support!

Until later…
