We’ve completed (tomorrow, that is) the first of 3 weeks of self-quarantine, out only to get essential groceries and supplies for the home. The Novel Coronavirus has the entire world on edge.

What WILL the future hold?

It’s hard to say. I’d love to think we’ve gotten ahead of the curve, protected ourselves enough to stay healthy. Two of the three of us who live here are at a higher risk for complications. The youngest depends on the both of us to live.

It’s fucking scary. There, I said it, because it is. But at the same time, it’s almost like the Earth sent us all to our rooms to think about what we’ve done to her.

And now she gets to heal.

Hopefully the rest of us will as well.

I have homeschooling of a special needs kid to do, promoting of a new book, and a life to keep as normal as possible. I hope all of you are well and taking the time to take care of yourselves.

Carlie ????????‍♀️