It’s supposed to be good for the soul, right? So here goes all this negativity slowing down my brain.

Book 2 will never be as good as book 1.

That’s the number one thing holding me back right now, all this worry about how I will never meet the critical success of Entitled. I won’t hear about how they can’t believe it’s my debut novel… well, probably because it won’t be, but you get the picture. Or I do, in my head.

Sophomore slump.

Like when a band’s debut album kicks tons of ass and then the follow up is meh. I don’t want meh. Brody deserves better than that. I can write better than this, but I’m so focused on what’s going to be said about it, that I can’t get past it. And here I am, on this deadline because I gave my word.

Man… I look forward to revising Wrong Number. Revising is hard in its own way, but so much easier than saying “I’m going to write this book FROM SCRATCH and have it done in 5 months.”

And to think I plan on releasing book 3 in May of 2020.

Writer’s block fucking SUCKS.

There. Negativity dump.

Now back to… something. I think I need a break tonight.