Or so I keep saying. It’s difficult being handed a life sentence of pain and mental illness. There, I said it. I’ve been on such a manic high (thank you Bipolar 1) that I’ve added more and more and more to my to-do list, haven’t checked much off, can’t calm my mind to write, and here I sit just over an hour before Friday and I haven’t even finished the one chapter I’ve been working on.

There are so many things I want to do, so many ways to challenge myself, so much that I want to learn that I keep saying “Yes” to all the things. Truth is, I can’t. I can’t add more to my already overflowing plate. I have to take care of what’s in front of me right now, right at this moment.

Okay, tomorrow. Because the puppy’s finally sleeping. But still.

So instead of saying yes to all the things, instead of feeling overwhelmed, I’m taking it one step at a time. One block of time. One task. I’m calling for backup. I’m surrendering to the fact that I’m not at my best right now.

But I can do better.

And I will.