A little Thursday evening rant, because I can so I will.

Be your word.

I’ve said it quite a bit, but I’m going to have to get into that some other time. See… when a disabled person is doing you a favor (and yes, it’s a FAVOR) by letting you stay with them, and you’re a grown ass adult, PICK UP AFTER YOURSELF. Don’t leave it for the disabled person or one of their children (especially the one who’s taking care of their parent to begin with) to do. Don’t leave trash COVERED IN WET BLUE HAIR DYE where a disabled child would get it everywhere simply by walking past it. Don’t leave dirty dishes on the coffee table and your trash everywhere. Don’t leave blankets and stuffed animals in the way of someone else sitting on the couch. Just CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELF.

Ugh. Part of me wants to delete that because it’s so passive-aggressive, but I’ve already said this to the person who is (and let’s call it what it is) taking advantage of me. So I’m going to leave it and continue on.

Be your word.

When you PROMISE that if you’re allowed to stay somewhere that not only will it be temporary, but you will be helping out, DO IT. And also, have an end date. That one’s my bad, because I was being nice, but the nice in me is gone right now. So… rant continued.

Just be your fucking word.

And teenagers, just a heads up. Being 18 is only a number. There are a PLETHORA of adult tasks that come with being out on your own. And guess what? They SUCK. They suck a hell of a lot more than having to *gasp* *shudder* obey your parents’ rules and respect that you’re under THEIR roof.

Financial responsibility, that’s a HUGE one. Wants before needs. Buy your food before you spend frivolously on pretty things for shelves that you don’t even own (and, by the way, will have to clean). Make a budget. Stick to it. Also, before you take that huge leap, you need to make sure that you can afford a place to stay. Not everyone gets to know an adult who will let you crash there while you save up money. Oh, and heads up… if you say you’re doing this to save and you BLOW YOUR MONEY ON FRIVOLOUS THINGS, you’re not being your word. Just saying.

Another thing… Don’t be fucking nasty. I don’t care HOW you were raised, just don’t. It’s gross. It’s unappealing. Guess what? Since you cannot guess, I will tell you. Dishes don’t pick up and/or wash themselves, trash doesn’t throw itself away, and laundry fairies don’t exist. Those are all on YOU the moment you decide you’re adult enough to move out of your parents’ home. Crashing with another person doesn’t take them off of you, either, and *see above* if you can’t hack it, stay under mommy and/or daddy’s roof until you can.

Right now, I am going to stop before I get even angrier than I am now. I wish I could take a shower, but my bathtub and shower curtain liner are covered in BLUE FUCKING HAIR DYE while said advantage-taker is probably with her boyfriend avoiding me because she knows I am pissed off. So… until I am in a better mood…