

To hell with comfort zones

The picture really speaks for itself. If you want to achieve something, or change or life, or simply experience something for the first time, that comfort zone is the first...

Coming this weekend

This will be my first sale for Wrong Number, and it’s in conjunction with our huge celebration at https://www.facebook.com/groups/theauthorstable aka The Authors’ Table. It’s an amazing group that I’m a...

C-c-c-c-c-c-COME ON

I will be holding a drawing for one lucky winner to get a signed paperback of Wrong Number at the end of August. What do you need to do, you...

Paperback Writer

I only recently realized that so many people didn’t know that Wrong Number is now available in paperback. Um… oops? I guess I sucked at letting people know. Sorry about...

Witty title about threes

Most of what I do is in 3s. Most of how I think is in 3s. Every morning it’s coffee, thought of the day, and feeling. Every night it’s puppy,...