The mind is a powerful thing. It can bring you peace. It can bring you turmoil.

It can create.

Creating is what I’ve been doing lately, and it feels amazing. I’m about halfway through Broken and am starting storyboarding for a future book, Lucky Now. I’m not going to pretend that I’m doing this on my own, because I’ve had so much help. My love and forever gratitude to Kayla Ries, also known as the author K. Ries. Her immense creativity is helping me work on both Broken and Lucky Now, which is just about being done backwards.

Everly’s Hope is out (no pun intended) and doing well. It’s the little book that could and I’m so proud of this labor of love! Soon it will be time to share all things of the three-part finale to the Time Stands Still series. My Happy Ending Part 1 will be releasing September 7, and this one makes me all kinds of nervous. But excited, still. The mind is a powerful thing, see. I shall press on with all of the positive!

I hope all is going well this summer for you. If you haven’t yet, you can sign up for my newsletter. I promise no spamming!

My head is all over the place. It’s time to smudge and meditate, get clear on my intentions. May you be clear on yours as well. I look forward to sharing ALL the things. Also have a new Facebook group. Fun fact… it’s actually called Carlie’s Crew. I couldn’t type that because it created the word “screw” and FB considers that a no-no. Who knew?

I hope you continue to enjoy what’s left of the summer! Let’s make it a great one, shall we?
